If it seems like I'm doing more writing than art these days... it's true! A couple of months ago I participated in Zombie Pirate Publishing's Zombie Pirate Writing Week. Imagine NaNoWriMo but condensed down into a week and you have one heck of a time trying to cobble words, ideas and some editing into a cohesive novelette. There were 101 participants, 57 submissions annnnnnnd I'm amongst the 22 titles on the long list. The short list will be announced soon, so please wish me luck!
It was a real challenge to barf out almost 15,000 words in a week while working full-time, sniffles, screaming birds and other obstacles. If it's one thing that art college has taught me it's that you can do anything in a week. The result surprised me. I accidentally wrote a YA story about some crime-solving young people on a spaceship. It's not as ridiculous as it sounds :-)