Monday, July 1, 2024

Pet Sketches...Astrid

Still working away on pet portraits over here, including sharing them! Astrid is an over the rainbow bridge soft-furred rat who enjoyed chilling in her coconut. After chatting with Astrid's human, I decided a three-dimensional paper picture was the right choice.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

1700+ Etsy Sales!

Next year will be 20 years of having my Etsy shop--where has the time gone? And how much the craft/handmade/online selling world has changed in 20 years!

I'm glad I stuck with it as it's too easy to quit before you find a product or idea that really sticks...and in my case, it's been digital downloads. Each 100 sale marker still gives me a thrill!

Graphic which displays 1700 plus Etsy sales

Monday, February 12, 2024

Pet Sketches...Pascal

This picture was fun and challenging at the same time!

Ink, pencil, and pencil crayon ::: 2023

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Pet Sketches...Beckham

Can you believe I'm still working on pet portraits from last year? Unfortunately I had some health challenges through the fall and a tooth pulled in December, which caused some delays. I still work full-time, but the list of portraits is winding down. I've been so busy I'm finally sharing the pictures in all my other online spaces.

I first drew Beckham as a puppy years ago and it was delightful that his person came back to give me an update and order a new portrait in 2023.

Marker and pencil crayon ::: 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Christmas Craft Show Schedule--Not Much!

Unfortunately this past year I've had some health challenges, as one does when they hit their 40s. I'm only appearing at one Christmas craft sale--however, I'm still faithfully updating, so you can find a sale near you!

My one sale is the Harvest Hills Alliance Church Craft Sale and Tea, November 24 and 25th.

Sale graphic

Monday, July 17, 2023

2023 Twitter Art Exhibit

I've been wanting to enter the Twitter Art Exhibit for years now. It always passed me by, but I was on it for 2023! The physical exhibit and sale is followed by a virtual exhibit and sale and this year all proceeds go to UNYA, or Urban Native Youth Association in British Columbia.

Each 5x7" original piece of art is $37.50US and you can browse the remaining cards for sale on the Twitter Art Exhibit website.

I created a paper silhouette of a horse called "Keep Moving". If you're unfamiliar with my silhouettes, I draw on one side and cut away paper until the silhouette remains. It's harder than it looks :-D I think next year I'll do a traditional drawing or painting because I'm unsure a silhouette translates well into an online sale since it's a niche art form.

Do take a look and pick up some nice art for yourself or a friend! The sale ends July 24 and right now if you buy four cards, you can get one free!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Thank you! 1600+ Etsy Sales!

Every little milestone still thrills me and I've been so busy with pet portraits from the Calgary Expo that I never noticed I'm on my way to 2000 sales. Celebrate every victory is my motto. It's not easy to be found these days online and I'm glad people are finding me at :-)

Thank you graphic