Friday, March 11, 2011


It’s nice to know that despite being unemployed, I can look forward to Friday just like any school kid or desk jockey. On Monday, this arrived in the mail:

But my friend came over and we made five pans of lasanga to freeze, so I didn’t get a chance to play with it. On Tuesday I went for unemployment counselling and I was so gungho about updating my resume that I only had a chance to read the instructions. School happened on Wednesday and Thursday. Whew! So much for an excess of free time!

I won this little loom on eBay after losing a similar one by $1. Made by Spears Games in the 50s or 60s, this toy loom fit my budget. I had my eye on the Cricket, but had to scale back. Plus, I secretly love toys!

I also love how it has someone’s old project is on it. Everything about the loom is brand new. I picture that they received it as a birthday or Christmas gift and gave up when it bunched!

It was daunting to take the project off in case I couldn’t thread it again correctly. It took about four tries to thread it. I sense the young fibre artist had actually threaded it wrong although it seemed correct by the instructions. I went with my crafty gut instead. Can you guess what my first project on it will be? Stay tuned!


  1. This is really cool, don't you hate taking time to read instructions when you just want to jump in & create LOL! I'll look out for the next instalment ;)

  2. Thanks Shelle! You know me well already :-D I found the instructions a little incomprehensible...and there were only a couple of pictures. It came with the original box, and that itself is pretty cool.

  3. Looks like a fun toy to me. Looking forward to seeing what you create with it.

  4. Exciting, and makes me want to weave again. The anticipation is building .... Kathryn

  5. Kathryn, I didn't know you were a weaver. Some of the large scale tapestries that people make seem so intimidating.

    It is fun, and so simple Marlene. I looked for patterns online to make a loom, but they never appealed to me for some reason. The fibre ACEO article that Pam sent me was awesome, it reminded me of you and your needle felting.

  6. How neat! it so reminds me of one I had when I was a kid! :-)

  7. Excellent Christine! So cool! Makes me want to get one ;o)

  8. It's a classic toy IMHO Crystal - just think of all the fine motor co-ordination that you learned :-)

    The looms are all over eBay Stacy. Mine came from Quebec. It seems that they came in "size" 2, 3, and 4 - I think the size 2 one would be too small and the 4 too large - so 3 is just right. Make sure all the parts are included if you go hunting for one!
